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The Atlas of Ophthalmology (Verlag publishes original, peer-reviewed case reports in ophthalmology, including clinical science investigations and clinical studies. Topics include new diagnostic and surgical techniques, treatment methods, and instrument updates. The objective of the Atlas of Ophthalmology in publishing cases, images and videos is to provide opportunities for the free exchange of ideas and information

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The Atlas of Ophthalmology accepts no responsibility for any statements published in the Atlas of Ophthalmology or in the EyeAtlas app. These statements are to be attributed solely to their authors and are not, by the fact of their publication in the Atlas of Ophthalmology or in the EyeAtlas app or ownership of copyright, necessarily those of the Atlas of Ophthalmology or the EyeAtlas app or indicative of Atlas of Ophthalmology or the EyeAtlas app views or policy or editorial concurrence.

Disclaimer Notice: Statements and opinions expressed in the Atlas of Ophthalmology or in the EyeAtlas app are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the publisher, or indicative of the Atlas of Ophthalmology views, policy or editorial concurrence. The Editor(s), and the Publisher assume no responsibility for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of product liability, negligence, or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein including those in a language other than English. No suggested test or procedure should be carried out unless, in the reader's judgment, its risk is justified and the patient has received information sufficient to give a fully informed consent. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, medical practitioners should obtain independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages. Discussions, views, and recommendations as to medical procedures, choice of drugs, and drug dosages are the responsibility of the authors. Consumers should consult with their own doctors about their individual health status before making any health decisions. The Atlas of Ophthalmology does not endorse companies, drugs or other products.

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